Winter Driving Tips: How to Prevent Window Haze

winter driving tips

It’s the winter season all over again; this means blistering winds, freezing weather, hoodies and snowflakes, and hazes on your car window? What!? Kidding aside, windshields, car mirrors, and windows are much affected, and they must be the well-cleaned parts of a sedan this winter season. This means they are the parts that need extra wintry protections. With winter being a natural phenomenon, all we can do is to perform preventive measures to get rid of that haze on your car window these frosty times. Let’s try to break the ice! Here are five easy winter driving tips on how to prevent car window haze this winter season.

First things first —if your car has a defroster, you’ll need that. It’s going to be a definite lifesaver. Check first if the tailpipe part is free from any chunk of snow. Start the car and hurry to turn on the defroster. Wait till five minutes or more before the snow totally wears off. Check also the other parts of the vehicle that can be reached by the snow. Clean them all voluntarily and without unnecessary hesitation.

Oh! Don’t forget the side windows, rear windows, and windshield, as these will buy you more time while the defroster does its job. Examine your washer blades (if it is six months old, get rid of it and buy a new one to use) and your wiper fluid nozzles for additional cleaning and precautions.


How to get frost-free? Well, eventually, you will end up scraping in the morning if you have not used these tips yet, but who’s going to love that scraping job? Of course none, especially when you are in a hurry. Save yourself from trouble, ladies and gentlemen. And, try applying a raw half onion on your windows and windshield to prevent frost buildup before it happens. You can also use rubber bath mats for cover.

However, when you are in doubt with this tip, try finding a product designed for that particular purpose instead. Ask for recommendations and instructions on your trusted automotive service providers, and we’re pretty sure that they have something to solve your problem.


Before one can remove the ice, you have to clear the snow first in the roof, front hood, and trunk. Why is that so? It would be an extra effort if you don’t remove or clean them first, as it has the tendency to blow up the snow to your window while you drive.

In removing the ice, there are proper prescriptions on how to gently and safely do so without damaging your car windows. Ice accumulations, for example, can be scraped by using the ridged side of a plastic ice scraper. Don’t do horizontal or diagonal slashes; do vertical instead, as it easily breaks up the ice into smaller proportions.

A little tip: Do not use sharp metals in scraping the ice from your car windows. It will only leave a scratch or far worse than that, it will shatter the mirror or glass of your car window. Also, never use a hot liquid in removing off the ice particles or trying to melt them down. This will only cause the glass to shatter.

Furthermore, for heavy snows, a push broom will do. For fluffy snows, try using a brush that has plastic bristles. Get on lighter scrapes, and avoid doing alternate directions in cleaning. For icy side mirrors, covering them up with plastic bags tightened by rubber bands will secure them from the snowy problem. Next day, you will drive safely with your mirrors clear and ready to go.

Lastly, for wiper blades that have been frozenly detached from your windshield, here are the things you will need: a soft cloth, rubbing alcohol, and your blades. First, apply a rubbing alcohol to the soft cloth and then wipe the blades to prevent them from sticking to the car window. This will always come in handy for the snowy conditions, as the windshield and wiper blades are two of the most important parts in driving during the wintry days.


For unclear windows, try lightening the fog by just slightly opening your windows for the air to circulate and for the fog to come out. For other techniques, keep the air conditioner on. It can reduce the fogginess of the windows. After all of these are done and the fogginess is gone, use clean microfiber wipes to remove spots.
Also, preventive precautions should always be observed. To prevent fog buildup, brush off any snow from your clothes or garment before entering the automobile. Remove as many snows on your body to prevent the fogginess once you have entered the vehicle.

One alternative way in preventing such fogging during cold months is by keeping a chalkboard eraser in the car. YES, a chalkboard eraser. This can help in hastily clearing the fog without leaving a scratch, smudge, or residue. Though, yes, rolling the windows can always be enough.

Moreover, cleaning and consultations need to be regulated. Voluntarily cleaning your interior windows and consulting the experts for solutions in reducing interior fogging should be prescribed. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, my friend.

Driving in this type of season or climate can be very risky without proper maintenance and precautions. That is why cleaning your car window is considered as the topmost priority this winter season. It is obviously your eye view whenever you go on the snowy road. The windshields, wipers, and side mirrors are also part of this ‘essential,’ so it’s better to check on them from time to time.

The winter season could be far from over. This holiday, let us stay safe and sound. It is great to know that there are other ways that are even cheaper and efficient to prevent window hazes. Furthermore, we will still end up saying that “prevention is better than cure” as always. Stay safe everyone!


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