How to Become a Better Driver: Safe Driving Tips

Safe Driving Tips

If there’s one thing all drivers should consider paramount when they’re on the road, it’s safety. More and more people acquire cars as the years pass, and traffic can be congested at times. If people aren’t careful, accidents can happen left and right. Whether you’re a beginner driver or you’ve been sitting behind the wheel for several years, you should know that driving is both a privilege and responsibility. Remember that any reckless mistake isn’t only going to put your life in danger but others’ lives too. 

Just like any other skills we’ve learned, there’s always room for improving your driving skills. Here are some helpful driving tips to help you become a better driver: 

Make it a habit to look further ahead

When you’re driving, it’s not only important to look at the car in front of you. You also have to remember to look further ahead so that you can foresee or anticipate any potential dangers and be able to react accordingly. This will also help you avoid hitting the back of the car in front of you if something happens suddenly. It also gives you the chance to adjust your speed earlier, which will not only help reduce the wear and tear on your vehicle but it will also help you save on fuel. 

Properly place your hands on the steering wheel

If you’ve been used to keeping your hands on the steering wheel at the “10 and 2” positions of the clock, it’s about time that you make little adjustments. Believe it or not, you can actually gain more control and stability while driving if you keep your hands lower and place them on the “8 and 4” or even the “9 and 3” positions. This will also keep your muscles more relaxed, as these are more ergonomic positions for your hands, especially if you’re driving for longer stretches of time. 

Keep a safe distance from the car in front of you

Following the vehicle in front of you too closely (also called “tailgating”) has several disadvantages. First of all, it increases your likelihood of hitting the back of the car in front of you if the driver brakes suddenly. Tailgating can also inhibit your ability to see as far ahead because the vehicle in front of you is blocking your vision. Tailgating can also cost you more fuel, as you may need to use the accelerator and brake more often to maintain a small distance between you and the car in front of you. Make it a point to keep a gap between your car and the car in front of you.f This is both fuel efficient safer. 

Maintain a safe speed

Maintaining a safe speed doesn’t just mean not going over the speed limit. It also means not going too fast and following the appropriate speed. Not only will speeding result in a violation and a fine, but it can also be very dangerous for you and other drivers on the road. After all, you will still reach your destination one way or another. There’s no point in risking getting into an accident.

Adjust your mirrors

Your mirrors play an important role in increasing your visibility while driving so that you don’t have any blind spots. Make sure your mirrors are positioned accordingly and that they are adjusted far enough outward so that they provide a view that overlaps with that of your rearview mirror. The rear window should be in the center of your view when you adjust your rearview mirror. After you’ve taken these steps, be sure to check and glance at your mirrors frequently to make sure you’re staying in your lane.

Don’t drive when you’re drunk or sleepy

We’re well aware of the dangers that come with driving after drinking alcohol.  It’s also important to remember that lack of sleep can also have very dangerous effects on driving. In fact, driving when you feel fatigued or have had a serious lack of sleep is one of the major reasons for fatal auto accidents. If you are very tired and your eyes feel like they’re about to close, pull over right away and take a quick nap before getting back on the road.

Avoid distractions

Even if you feel confident that you can multitask and juggle both driving and texting simultaneously, we strongly suggest that you don’t. It’s always better to prioritize safety above everything else. Put away your phone and avoid fiddling with the radio or trying to entertain a chatty passenger when you’re on the road.

Owning and driving a vehicle bring great responsibility. Use these tips to be the best driver you can be. If you’re looking for a quality second-hand vehicle you can drive home, please visit Carfect



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