Top 5 Causes of High Oil Pressure

high oil pressure

High oil pressure disrupts how car engines work. With continuous high oil pressure, car owners face hardships while driving. Oil pressure usually stays in the middle. When it rises, it shows that the car needs to be checked. If the owners fail to act on this, it results in a breakdown and possibly a wreck.

What causes high oil pressure?

The following include different causes of high oil pressure that car owners may check.

Blocked oil passage

When something blocks the passage of oil, it leads to serious damage in the engine. Car owners need to check their engines when they encounter some mishap. When the blockage goes on for too long, it may prevent oil lubrication for the engine. If this goes on, it can cause problems for the car and leakage in the cam assembly. Other car mechanics call this leak a lifter tap.

To prevent this from causing further damage, make sure to clean the blocked passage by asking for help from a car repair shop. Avoid doing this on your own. This can exacerbate the damage to the engine.

Defective sending unit

One of the most common causes of high oil pressure is using a defective sending unit. Most of the time, car owners presume that their cars stop working properly if the gauge reading changes very often. However, don’t ignore these changes since the trouble may be from a defective sending unit.

Resolving this problem requires a multimeter. You need to turn it to the resistance range. Check to see if it’s 240 ohms. If it doesn’t give this number, it’s time to replace the oil sending unit.

A faulty pressure relief valve

Other causes include a stuck or faulty pressure relief valve. However, these seldom encounter trouble. One of the things you need to know about a faulty pressure relief valve is that troubleshooting while using it does not work. For car owners, you need to remove it from the engine, clean it very well, and then put it back.

However, in some instances, the oil pressure reading stays the same. This time, you need to check other areas where there could be a problem. If the reading goes to normal, this means the problem got resolved!

Filthy oil filter

Using a car with a filthy oil filter prevents the car from using oil. Dirt and other debris may accumulate and clog the filter. This, in turn, hinders lubrication, resulting in the car exerting more effort, which puts stress on the engine. This increases the temperature and leads to high oil pressure.

If this really causes trouble in the car, this does not require any replacement, just a thorough cleaning of the oil filter.

Idle engine pressure

When you start a car, it needs more effort, which results in higher pressure than idling the engine. The temperature of the engine affects how the engine works.

During the time that the engine is turned off, it begins to cool down. This also applies to the oil that flows through the machine. When you start the engine, the temperature rises as the oil heats up. The pressure rises to a level that makes it flow through the engine. Cold oil looks viscous which makes it flow slower than heated oil.


Other causes of high oil pressure

Other than the causes enumerated above, other instances that result in high oil pressure include:

Oil quality

Oil differs in viscosity and picking one that doesn’t match the vehicle affects the oil pressure of the car. It may be observed when you bring your car in and have the oil changed. If they replaced it with a different kind of oil, a significant change in pressure may be felt when you drive. This means that the oil is too thick for the car engine.

Damaged oil pump or worn bearings

Over time, cars undergo changes and repairs. At some point, car owners may have forgotten to check the other car parts. It’s always vital to check the other parts whenever you bring your car in for a check. Whether it is changing the oil or tire pressure, it’s best to check everything to ensure your safety.

When finding a trustworthy place to let your car get fixed, feel free to visit Carfect for your car needs!


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