Fuel-efficient Driving: 7 Techniques to Help You Save Fuel

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When it comes to driving, our number one priority is safety. We drive with caution and try to be prepared for potential hazards in order to ensure the safety of ourselves and others on the road. But did you know that being a safe and responsible driver also helps you save money on gas? That’s right! When you practice safe driving, you are also practicing fuel-efficient driving.

As we all know, the price of fuel these days constantly increases which can be stressful for many of us on a daily basis. This is where the importance of fuel-efficient driving comes in. When you factor in fuel economy each time you hit the road, you’re not only saving hundreds of dollars on gas each year. You also help prevent unnecessary wear on your car. Learn how you can your fuel consumption by following these tips for more efficient driving!

Accelerate gently

It’s important to hit the gas pedal gently when you’re trying to save on gas. Avoid putting the “pedal to the metal” and try to accelerate gently each time you get behind the wheel. The harder you accelerate, the higher the fuel consumption. Be gentle when pressing on the accelerator pedal, especially when driving in the city. When you step on the pedal for about five seconds, it can accelerate your car for up to 20 kilometers per hour to a stop.

Drive at a steady speed

Sudden speed dips and bursts will result in higher fuel consumption. In fact, changing your speed between 75 to 85 kilometers every 20 seconds can increase your fuel use by up to 20 percent. If weather and road conditions permit, consider using cruise control when driving on a highway. 

Sudden use of the accelerator and brake pedals can also use 40 percent of your energy. Be more mindful of your accelerating and braking based on the traffic in front of you as you try to maintain a consistent speed.

Keep your tires properly inflated

Keeping your tires properly inflated is important not only when it comes to ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride, but also for helping you save on gas costs. Keep in mind that lower tire pressure requires more gas in order to help your car run.  Make it a habit to check your tire pressure on a regular basis, especially when going on a long road trip. It is best to use a tire pressure gauge and follow the recommendations of your car’s manufacturer.

Slow down

Another important fuel-efficient driving technique is slowing down in most if not all situations. Driving at a slow, steady speed is encouraged, not only because it uses less fuel, but because it also gives the driver better control when driving, especially in dangerous conditions. 

Follow posted speed limits and maintain a consistent speed for a smooth and fuel-efficient ride. 

Keep up with proper maintenance

Proper maintenance is important when it comes to keeping your car in tip-top shape and extending its longevity. It also helps increase your overall fuel economy. Follow your car manufacturer’s recommendations for your car’s maintenance. In addition to maintaining the right tire pressure, be sure to follow the recommended schedule regarding when to change your car’s oil, replace the air filter, check your fluids, and other essential and routine maintenance procedures. 

Avoid carrying around excess weight

Another factor that contributes to your car’s fuel consumption is excessive weight. Think about your car like your body. The more weight you carry, the more energy you need to exert in order to move or walk around. The same goes for your vehicle. Carrying a heavier load requires more energy, thus more fuel is used. Declutter any unnecessary items from your car, and try to avoid loading it up with heavy items you don’t need. 

Replace your air filter as needed

A broken air filter is known to consume 10% more energy than one that is clean and working properly. As a car owner, make it a point to check your air filter regularly. Check that your filter is clean and is in good condition. If you can see sunlight through your air filter, it’s an indication that it needs to be replaced. Changing your car’s air filter is a vital part of your car’s routine maintenance. Be sure not to overlook this step. 

Even though increasing prices of fuel are beyond our control, we can help save money on gas by following these fuel-efficient driving tips. When you do, you’ll be sure to watch your savings add up!

For more car tips, or if you’re looking for quality second-hand vehicles, please visit Carfect



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